“Shocking Encounter: Man’s Horrifying Discovery Inside Bag of Aldi-Bought Broccoli”

A man who went to a supermarket to get some groceries came back with a snake and didn’t realize it until after the animal got familiar with his food.

Last month, 63-year-old Neville Linton bought a bag of broccoli from an Aldi branch in Stourbridge, England, and stored it in his fridge before taking it out to prepare a meal three days later.

But when he unwrapped the broccoli, however, the man immediately saw the unexpected guest. Continue scrolling to learn how the ordeal went down and don’t miss the talk we had about it with Dr. Steven J R Allain, aka The pop-punk Herpetologist.

A snake that was exploring a broccoli field somewhere in southwestern Europe got packed up and shipped to a British supermarket

Without suspecting, Neville Linton, 63, picked it up together with a bag of vegetables and took the reptile home

Neville, who works in industrial cleaning, couldn’t believe his eyes.

“It was pretty frightening. I’m not good with snakes,” he said. “It’s lucky I didn’t just leave the broccoli out in the kitchen, or it would have been loose in the house.”

“That would have been a huge risk for us because we have two vulnerable people living here.”

Once he realized the creature was too big to be a caterpillar, he called his sister Ann-Marie Tenkanemin for help and she identified it as a snake.

The pair popped it in a tub and went back to the Aldi store on Dudley Road where Neville made the purchase.

“I thought she was joking at first, but I backed off when I saw it start moving. The guy in the shop was pretty frightened too,” he said.

The snake was taken to a local zoo and its specialists determined that it was a young ladder snake

But herpetologist Dr. Steven J R Allain suspects it might be a viperine water snake

The reptile was transported to Dudley Zoo, and its staff believe it to be a young ladder snake. However, Bored Panda got in touch with Dr. Steven J R Allain and he tends to disagree.

“Having reviewed the [actual] photo of the snake in the broccoli, I am not sure the zoo identified the species correctly,” Allain told us. “To my expert eyes, the snake is in fact a viperine water snake (Natrix maura), which is a harmless fish-eating species found throughout southwestern Europe and northern Africa.”

Allain is a zoology graduate from Anglia Ruskin University, a Master’s graduate from Imperial College London, and a current Ph.D. student at the University of Kent. His current area of research is primarily based around barred grass snake (Natrix helvetica) population ecology and the effects of ophidiomycosis, but he’s also interested in amphibian disease and population ecology.

“Seeing as a large portion of the food grown and imported into the United Kingdom comes from the Mediterranean region, it is no surprise to find a species from this area turning up in some vegetables likely grown there. In my opinion, the snake was likely moving through the field at the time, before being scooped up by agricultural equipment, then seeking refuge within the broccoli.”

The trip to the UK and then another one to Neville’s home took some time, but Allain said that these snakes are able to go a couple of months without food, and the chilling of the fridge would have helped keep its metabolism low, reducing the body’s energy demands.

“However, I can’t imagine it would have been comfortable,” he added. “Especially the rapid transition from the warm Mediterranean climate to a chiller, in order to keep the broccoli fresh.”

“Viperine water snakes are dangerous only if you’re a fish (or a frog). They do not bite humans as a defense mechanism (they’d much rather play dead), and they are regarded as non-venomous to humans.”

“I know this must have been a distressing time for Neville (especially for someone with a fear of snakes), but his reaction could have been more positive through more widespread education and understanding of snakes, and how to deal with situations like this,” Allain said. “It isn’t the snake’s fault that it ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, but hopefully its new home at Dudley Zoo can help with breaking down these fears of snakes.”

Neville is trying to get compensated for having to go through all of this

Neville has been offered compensation but is trying to get more.

The father-of-three said the amount he heard didn’t sound fair because of the risk to his disabled son and vulnerable mother-in-law, who live under the same roof.

“It’s just not good enough,” he added. “The implications for us if it had got out in the house are huge. Plus, I’m phobic of snakes so there’s the emotional impact of that too.”

An Aldi spokesperson reported: “Our supplier has never had a complaint of this nature and has robust processes in place to prevent such issues occurring.”

“We are investigating this isolated incident and have apologized to Mr. Linton that our usual high standards were not met.”

After the local news picked up the story, people had all sorts of reactions

A Bond that Blends Families

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, two beloved icons in Hollywood, have embarked on an extraordinary journey of love and companionship that spans over four decades. Their story is one that continues to inspire many, as it began on a romantic Valentine’s Day in 1983 and has since stood the test of time.

What sets Goldie and Kurt’s partnership apart is the deep and profound bond they share, as well as their commitment to building a life together. Residing in Los Angeles, near Goldie’s daughter Kate Hudson, the couple has seamlessly blended their families. Kurt has taken on the role of a loving father figure to Goldie’s children, Oliver and Kate. In addition to this, Goldie and Kurt are proud parents to their own son, Wyatt Russell, who followed in their footsteps and pursued a career in the entertainment industry.

One aspect that makes Goldie and Kurt’s relationship unique is their conscious decision not to marry. In a candid interview on the UK chat show “Loose Women” in 2015, Goldie opened up about this choice. She expressed her deep appreciation for her independence and how not being married has given her the freedom to make decisions without the constraints of a traditional marital commitment. Goldie frankly admitted that she believes their enduring harmony is largely due to their decision not to marry.

Their choice to stay together without a formal marriage ceremony speaks volumes about the strength of their connection and their commitment to a relationship built on understanding and contentment. And while their love story is legendary, there are some intriguing details that make it even more fascinating.

Adding a touch of nostalgia to their love story, Goldie shared an intriguing tidbit about their first date. The couple went to the Playboy Club where they learned the Jitterbug dance for a show. What started as a dance lesson turned into a night of unexpected romance, marking the beginning of their long and captivating journey together.

In a lighthearted revelation, Goldie humorously shared one of the secrets to the longevity of their relationship – having separate bathrooms. This seemingly simple arrangement, which allows for personal space and privacy, is perhaps one of the unconventional yet effective elements that contribute to the success of their enduring love story.

As Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell continue to navigate life’s ups and downs together, their story serves as an inspiration for those who value deep connections, shared values, and the freedom to shape a relationship on their own terms. Over the decades, they have shown that love, commitment, and understanding can create an unbreakable bond that transcends societal norms.

The Remarkable Transformation of Conrado’s Nose

Meet Conrado, a 58-year-old painter who went through a life-changing experience that completely transformed his prominent nose. This incredible journey started when fate brought him together with an exceptional plastic surgeon.

But before we dive into Conrado’s extraordinary transformation, let’s first take a moment to appreciate what his distinctive nose looked like before this life-altering experience.

Conrado vividly recalls the moment when the plastic surgeon first laid eyes on him. It was a decisive moment that felt like destiny had intervened. With great insight, the surgeon immediately saw the immense potential for a transformative procedure.

Conrado is enormously grateful for the surgery, describing it as a miraculous turning point that has forever redefined his life. And when you see the striking before-and-after photographs, it becomes evident how much our noses can influence our identity and confidence.

We invite you to share your thoughts and insights about this incredible transformation in the comments section below. Let’s celebrate Conrado’s remarkable journey and the power of plastic surgery to reshape lives.

Boy, 16, divides the internet with billowing ballgown, some say he’s ‘stunning’ others say ‘vile’

Posing in a fiery red skirt and a sequin-speckled tuxedo top that perfectly matches his scarlet-colored hair, 16-year-old Korben White blew up the internet with the billowing ballgown he wore to his high school prom.

After a viral post made by his mom Nina Green, that shows her teenaged son primed and primped for prom, fervent disciples of the woke movement praised his flowing frock while others played the shame game, saying it demonstrates the “failure” of a parent “in encouraging this sort of thing.”

When Korben White was only 12, he told his mother Nina Green “he wanted to go to his school prom in a gown.”

In 2022, only four years after his declaration of intent, the teen–a “sassy” young drag queen who goes by the name Miss Frou Frou–made it happen.

Speaking with the BBC, Green explains her son’s inspiration. “He wanted to go as himself, while expressing his feminine side–with a tuxedo on the top and a dress at the bottom, very much influenced by [American actor] Billy Porter.” She continued, “He wanted to be Korben…but in a dress.”

And when he stepped out of the car in the sparkly red outfit paired with a white shirt and a giant red bow, Korben’s big reveal was applauded by both staff and students at Archbishop Sancroft High School in Harleston, Norfolk.

“As soon as he got out of the car, everyone just cheered and I was crying, some of the teachers were crying, because he was being who he wanted to be,” the proud mom said of Korben. “Everyone has been very supportive, and his year group has been incredible. If you let your child be who they are then you’ll get nothing but the best out of them.”

Her son’s biggest champion, Green continued her massive show of support with a tweet on July 1.

Paired with a few photos of Korben in the spectacular outfit, Green writes, “At age 12 my son announced he wanted to go to his school prom in a gown. Four years later we made it happen. I’m so incredibly proud of him for being true to himself & the reception he got from his whole school was incredible.”

Her post gained a lot of momentum with millions of users around the world sharing commenting, and complimenting the handsome young man.

It even reached Michelle Visage, a judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race, who said, “You are an amazing beautiful mom and your child is a STAR.”

Korben said it was “very surreal” that his mother’s tweet captured the attention of Visage.

“To me she is such an icon, a wonderful celebrity and I really admire her,” he said.

Green wasn’t expecting that her show of support would “go crazy,” and said she only wanted to show her son “living his best life,” which made other parents look for her advice.

Some users shared photos and stories of their own gender-bending children.

One writes, “I worry for my son, he would really love to do something like this at prom but he would definitely not have the support of all the students! So sad that we still have homophobia even now. Well done to you, your son and his school!”

A second shares, “I am so happy for your son he looked absolutely amazing!!!My son is trans, after 3yrs of transphobic bullying in Jan b4 GCSEs [General Certificate of Secondary Education offered in parts of the UK] I had to take him out of school for his mental health. He was always going to prom in a tux and he was deprived of the chance.”

A third simply writes, “Absolutely stunning! My daughter wore a suit to hers!”

Meanwhile, the positivity was met a string of other comments, which serve as a reminder that not everyone is on the same social path.

One writes, “There is very little hope for civilization,” and a second shares, “…Vile, Woke & a failure as a parent in encouraging this sort of thing. A 12 year old boy should be playing football and learning to be a man. But, sadly people now a days virtue signal, like what you’re doing with this tweet, and ruin their kids for life. Shame.”

Another netizen says the support for Green’s post is troubling. “There is absolutely nothing natural about a ‘boy’ dressing like a ‘girl’–the support shows just how screwed up our world is.” And one cyber fan goes so far as to suggests the world is lacking logic, “We live in a world where children should no longer pretend to be Indians but men should pretend to be women. Utopian.”

Yet, a steadfast warrior of support, Green wasn’t willing to surrender to the online hate.

The day after the internet-exploding tweet, Green accompanied her son to London Pride and shared a sweet photo of the two.

One cyber user commented, “My boy did too, couldn’t be prouder, he’s also at London Pride today aged 16 it’s fabulous love and to you and yours,” and a second shared, “you both look amazing xx”

A third attacks the mom, writing, “Your son doesn’t look like a man anymore, some kind of fa****”

Green, who comments on Twitter that she ignores the negativity, says she hopes other children and parents will find encouragement through the relationship she shares with Korben.

“I really hope it will help others be more accepting, let proud parents feel they are not alone, and that they can celebrate their children, and for young people to know there is a network there if they need it.” She continued, “You need to accept your children for who they are.”

Korben Green certainly is a brave young man for expressing himself the way he does! And he’s very fortunate to have such a supportive mom, who shuts out the noise and continues parenting him in the best way she knows.

What do you think of teens attending prom in outfits that don’t represent their genders assigned at birth?

Please share this story and let’s see what others have to say!

62-year-old Billy Ray Cyrus marries 34-year-old bride Firerose – fans upset by one little detail

Billy Ray Cyrus just tied the knot with Firerose. The couple has been officially dating in 2022 and now have tied the knot in an intimate ceremony.

Keep reading to learn more about a detail some fans noted.

Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish Cyrus filed for divorce for the third time and announced the news in April 2022 after 28 years of marriage. Soon after, Billy Ray Cyrus began dating an Australian artist named Firerose. In November 2022, They announced their engagement.

The pair had met years earlier, when 13 years ago, Firerose had auditioned for a role on Hannah Montana. The country singer recalled the first time he saw Firerose. He said, “There’s a couple old pine trees on the lot that look like Tennessee. Tex (his dog) and I would go out there in the middle of the day, and he’d take care of his business. And we’d stretch, and I’d think how much I missed Tennessee. On that given day, Firerose came out of the front door. There was almost a moment of, I don’t know, recognition. I was like, ‘This girl’s a star.’

He continued, “She told me she’d had an audition, and I said, ‘Well, I’m sure you got the job.’”

Firerose did not get the part, but Cyrus made introductions for her to a couple of producers.

“I just thought, well, the casting agents, the producers, the writers, they’re all on the floor of where we do Hannah Monatana. And I actually said to her, ‘Don’t ever take a strange man up on this offer, but, in this case, Tex will testify that you will be totally safe,” he said.

“‘I’m going to introduce you to a producer, and you can kind of make yourself at home and watch us rehearse and, you know, maybe it might lead to a role or just another contact at Disney.’ And, so, off me and her and Tex went back to the studio. And I think she met a lot of the cast and met the producers, writers. And, in some ways, well, in a lot of ways, we became friends,” the crooner shared.

The two stayed friends till Cyrus asked Firerose to be more than friends after his divorce early last year. She moved in with Cyrus in August 2022 and shortly after he proposed.

“Billy looked at me and said, ‘Do you, do you wanna marry me?’ And I was just like, ‘Of course I do. I love you,’” Firerose recalled the moment. “He said, ‘I love you. I wanna make this official. I wanna be with you forever.’”

His wedding to Firerose just comes a couple of months after his ex-wife Tish remarried as well. In August of 2023, she married “Prison Break” star Dominic Purcell.

Brandi, 36, and Trace, 34 – Tish’s two children from her earlier relationship — were in attendance and were in photographs with Purcell and two of his four children for the media. Billy Ray had adopted Brandi and Trace while he was married to Tish. The couple had Miley Cyrus, Braison, and Noah together.

Noah and Braison were noticeably absent from their mother’s wedding. On the day of the wedding, the siblings were together and posted temporary stories on Instagram about their outing to Walmart while Noah was wearing a Billy Ray shirt.

It is unclear whether any of Cyrus’ children attended his wedding to Firerose.

The couple posted pictures from their wedding day on social media, and then some fans took issue with one detail: Billy Ray Cyrus’ hair! One person wrote, “Could have at least brushed his hair for the occasion.” While another asked, “He couldn’t comb his hair??”

Another person added, “All that money and no hair brush????”

It is clear people had a lot of questions about Billy Ray Cyrus’ hair and why he chose to style it the way that he did.

It’s on the underside of our cabinet in the house we recently bought, built in the ’70s. Any ideas what it could be?

Nestled under the kitchen cabinet lies a humble reminder of practical innovation from the 1970s: the under-cabinet jar opener.

With its dull metal teeth, it’s a testament to the durability and simplicity of the past. To use it, simply wedge a jar lid against the teeth until they grip, then twist.

The seal gives way with a satisfying pop, a familiar sound in the backdrop of family kitchens for decades. This tool has outlasted trends, bearing witness to meals and memories created around the kitchen counter.

It’s a slice of history, enduring and reliably simple, serving as a bridge from the self-reliant past to our modern, fast-paced world.

What Those Numbers on Fruit Stickers Really Mean

Ever wondered about those tiny numerical codes adorning the fruit in your local supermarket? Beyond expediting the checkout process, these labels carry significant information about the fruit’s journey from farm to table.

While applicable to vegetables, herbs, and nuts as well, fruits predominantly bear these labels, offering valuable insights into their cultivation methods.



Conventional: A four-digit code denotes conventional cultivation. These fruits undergo growth using traditional farming practices, often involving pesticides and chemical fertilizers, potentially affecting soil health.

Genetically Modified: A five-digit code starting with the number 8 indicates genetic modification. These fruits are engineered to resist pests and may involve pesticide usage during cultivation.

Organic: A five-digit code commencing with the number 9 signifies organic certification. Organic fruits are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, promoting soil health and environmental sustainability.


Pesticides and Health: While conventionally grown fruits may use pesticides, it’s essential to remember that the pesticide residue levels on fruits typically comply with regulatory safety standards. Nevertheless, many individuals choose organic options to minimize potential pesticide exposure, especially if they have concerns about health or specific dietary preferences.

Environmental Impact: The choice between conventional and organic farming also has environmental implications. Organic farming practices often focus on soil health and sustainability. These methods aim to minimize soil erosion, conserve water, and reduce chemical runoff. Supporting organic farming can be viewed as a way to promote more environmentally friendly agriculture.

Local Farmers: Buying from local farmers at farmers’ markets or through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs supports your local economy, reduces food miles, and often ensures fresher produce. Local farmers may employ sustainable farming practices, even if they’re not certified organic. Engaging in conversations with local farmers can provide insight into their farming methods.


As consumers, advocating for transparent food labeling can empower you to make informed choices. Some organizations and brands go beyond the basic labeling requirements, providing additional information about the fruit’s origin, farming practices, and certifications. Supporting brands that prioritize transparency can be a way to encourage better information sharing within the industry.

By considering these factors, you can make food choices that align with your nutritional needs, environmental values, and support for local agriculture. Understanding the meaning of fruit labels is an essential step in making informed decisions about the food you consume.

So, the next time you pick up a piece of fruit, take a moment to decode that little sticker. It might just reveal more about your food choices than you ever imagined.

If you cannot buy locally, choose NUMBER 9 for Organic.

Elon Musk Shakes Up Television with Daring Acquisition and Dismissal

In a surprising turn of events, Elon Musk, the influential CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has made a bold move that has grabbed the attention of the entertainment world. He has acquired ABC and wasted no time in dismissing the entire cast of the long-running talk show, “The View.” This unprecedented decision has sent shockwaves throughout the industry, leaving fans and critics in awe.

According to sources close to Musk, he took this daring step due to his dissatisfaction with the show’s repetitive arguments and lack of innovation. In a statement, Musk expressed his frustration, saying, “I’ve been watching ‘The View’ for years, and it feels like the same tired discussions over and over again. I’ve had enough of it, and I believe it’s time for a fresh approach to daytime talk shows.”

The firing of well-known personalities like Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and Meghan McCain has sparked mixed reactions from fans and critics alike. While some were taken aback by the sudden departure of beloved hosts, others have applauded Musk for daring to disrupt the conventional talk show format.

“I can’t contain my excitement about Elon Musk shaking up the industry,” expressed a thrilled fan. “It was high time someone injected new life into the world of talk shows, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store.”

Musk’s unexpected move has ignited conversations across multiple generations, especially among those who have felt dissatisfied with the stagnation of daytime television. His reputation as an innovator and visionary has only amplified the curiosity and speculation surrounding his plans for ABC and the future of talk shows.

As we eagerly await further announcements and developments from the tech mogul, one thing is certain: Elon Musk’s acquisition of ABC has sparked a blaze of anticipation, renewing hope for a refreshing change in the world of television.

Prince Philip’s brutal nickname for Meghan Markle revealed

According to a royal expert, the late Prince Philip had a rather pointed nickname for the Duchess of Sussex, and it wasn’t so kind.

The nickname suggested a comparison to Wallis Simpson, the controversial wife of the former King Edward VIII, drawing parallels between Meghan Markle and Wallis, both American and divorced when they married into the royal family.

Prince Philip supposedly referred to Meghan with a name that made reference to this connection.

Wallis Simpson and King Edward VIII

Wallis Simpson, an American divorcée who became the Duchess of Windsor, was one of the most controversial royal figures in recent history after King Edward VIII decided to abdicate the throne in December 1936 (after less than a year as a monarch) to be able to marry her.


At the time, royals were prohibited from entering into a marriage with a divorced person – a rule that did not change until 2002, just three years before the then-Prince Charles married Camilla, per the Royal Observer.

Following King Edward and Wallis Simpson’s marriage, they were not allowed to return home without the permission of his brother, the new King George VI, as there were fears it could potentially cause public unrest, Vogue detailed.

During their years of exile, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor constantly attracted headlines – with one of their most shocking incidents occurring in 1937 when they visited Nazi Germany and were photographed giving the notorious Nazi salute upon meeting Adolf Hitler.


Unforgiving Comments Including Her Immense Paunch. “The most exceedingly awful pregnant stomach I have at any point seen”

A mother who was ridiculed for having a “major” child will not capitulate to pregnancy disgrace.

Eliana Rodriguez, who is presently 29 years of age, as of late brought forth Sebastian, her subsequent youngster. Notwithstanding the way that Rodriguez’s pregnancy and kid were both solid, her bigger than-normal stomach drew remarks like “You are colossal,” “You are by all accounts anticipating twins,” and “Have you hoped to check whether there’s one more youngster in there?” Rodriguez’s pregnancy and unborn kid were both healthy. She should be very awkward.

A colossal knock during pregnancy might be an indication of some medical conditions, yet it can likewise periodically be entirely typical and the outcome of the lady’s body extending. Rodriguez gave the consolation that she and her baby are in magnificent well-being.

“I had enormous pregnancies; both of my youngsters were conceived weighing 8.3 pounds. My 3-year-old little girl Sofia was 19.5 crawls upon entering the world, while my new kid was 20.5 inches.”

Rodriguez brought up that while Instagram savages are easy to overlook, individuals are typically meddlesome face to face too.

Rodriguez recognized that she knew about the interest yet that she had never been impolite accordingly. My answer is, “Indeed, I’m gigantic and it’s hard.”

Rodriguez, a business person in Las Vegas, Nevada, who has some expertise in well-being and health, expressed, “I contemplated why my belly was greater than different young ladies. My primary care physicians let me know it was regular since I’m just 4’11” and have a more limited middle.”

Rodriguez was fired after appearing two months prior.

She proceeded, “I’m an open individual so I was happy to the point that I needed to share. We had been pursuing briefly youngster and expected a kid.”

During her pregnancy, Rodriguez conveyed a great deal of amniotic liquid, which fills the amniotic sac and safeguards the hatchling while at the same time permitting it to move.

The Mayo Center depicts “polyhydramnios” as an overabundance in 1% to 2% of pregnancies. Most of cases are unproblematic, in spite of the way that they can result in preterm work.

Rodriguez expressed that in spite of having a ton of amniotic liquid, her doctors had verified that she didn’t have polyhydramnios.

She said, “They estimated the child’s size and how much liquids.”

Different reasons for the overabundance of liquid, as indicated by Chicago, Illinois-based OBGYN Dr. Kiarra Ruler (who didn’t treat Rodriguez), incorporate maternal diabetes and fetal primary peculiarities.

Moreover, polyhydramnios isn’t the essential justification for a pregnant lady’s bigger paunch. Due to fetal macrosomia, maternal heftiness, or Diastasis Recti, which happens when the abs separate during pregnancy after prior pregnancies, a patient might appear to be further along in the pregnancy than they really are.

Fortunately, Rodriguez avoided these issues.

While managing the meddlesome inquiries, Rodriguez underscored her craving for individuals to abstain from making pregnancy-and-body-disgracing comments. She stated that ladies who are encountering pre-birth or post-birth anxiety might track themselves “in a horrendous spot” because of self-perception analysis.

Rodriguez said, “I comprehend that a few people have less compassion toward others.” She said, “I’m a strict lady and I feel so horrendous for individuals who utilize savage words.