Category Archives: Story

Stop Wearing Jeans Once You Reach This Age

There are a surprising amount of activities you can’t do until you reach a certain age, like drive a car and rent a hotel room. On the flip side, you apparently can become too old to do certain things, too. That includes one rather commonplace habit: wearing jeans.

The fashionistas believe it’s possible to age out of your favorite jeans. There’s a certain number, however, when experts advises dropping that denim in a donation bin. And this isn’t just a matter of personal preference; the blogger even backs up her claim with statistics.

The data was collected by CollectPlus, a UK courier company that recently surveyed 2,000 national shoppers. They were asked to share their shopping habits and wardrobe preferences—all the way down to their perfect pair of jeans.

Based on the final data, the respondents seemed to agree that people shouldn’t be trying to squeeze into denim past the age of 53. The reason? It’s not because you’re making a fashion faux pas, though. In truth, it just becomes harder to find a pair that fits by that age.

Sadly, the numbers spell bad news for denim devotees. One in 10 of respondents over the age of 50 reported trying on up to six styles before finding the perfect pair, the researchers said. The study also found that most people experience peak stress levels while jeans shopping by age 53. Six percent of shoppers even became so upset they burst into tears.

Of course, finding the perfect pair of blue jeans might as well be rocket science, no matter how old you are. In fact, research shows people spend an average of five to eight days searching for jeans. So it’s no surprise that most people don’t buy a new pair for another three years at minimum.

If you still want to rock your favorite pair of denims until you retire, we will cheer you on.

9 things to never plug into a power strip

While plugging electrical appliances into power strips is super practical and economical, did you know that this can carry certain risks?

Plugging in very energy-consuming devices or overloading the power strip can actually cause real failures. It can damage household appliances, cause power outages, but also cause fires! How can I say that?

I said that simply because it happened to me. I can tell you that since then, I have been extremely careful about what I do… Discover 9 devices to never plug into a power strip.

First, look at the maximum power of the power strip

Before giving you the list of electrical devices not to plug in, it’s necessary to know one thing. On all power strips, the maximum power they can support is indicated on the power cable.

So the first thing to do before plugging in your electrical devices is to look at this information. Then, it’s very simple. You must add the power of each device that is plugged into the power strip.

How do I know what the power of this or that device is, will you tell me?

Well, as with the power strip, this information is written on each electrical device. I’ll give you a concrete example. Imagine that your power strip tolerates a maximum power of 3500 W. If you plug in your oven which consumes 2500 W at the same time. Your vacuum cleaner which consumes 800 W and your kettle which consumes 250 W. You exceed 3500 W (2500 + 800 + 250) = 3550 W. There is only one solution in this specific case.

Unplug one of the electrical devices from the power strip to return below its maximum power threshold. Otherwise, it can be very dangerous. Now let’s look at all the devices that should not be plugged into a power strip.

1. The oven

The oven is undoubtedly among the most energy-intensive household appliances. Even if you don’t use it regularly, you absolutely should not plug it into a power strip!

It is better to provide an individual wall outlet to avoid the risk of dangerous overheating.

2. The refrigerator

So I know what you’re going to tell me. The refrigerator is not the household appliance that consumes the most of all household appliances. Since it doesn’t consume too much energy, we say to ourselves that it’s good.

It can be plugged into an extension cord without any problem. Well no ! Let’s not forget that a refrigerator is electrical voltage sent 24 hours a day to the power strip. So, plug this type of device into an extension cord, you forget. And then I’m talking about refrigerators, but this also concerns freezers.

3. The washing machine

A washing machine consumes on average 1150 kWh per year. It is therefore a very energy-intensive device and therefore not recommended at all for a power strip.

Plugging the washing machine into a wall outlet avoids any risk of short circuiting and overheating of the extension cord. The same goes for tumble dryers. They consume way too much electricity to leave them plugged into a power strip.

4. Auxiliary heating

I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t use it, but remember to plug it directly into a wall outlet. Never on an extension cord, because this device very quickly overloads the power strip.

5. The microwave

Never believe that this little metal box doesn’t consume any energy. A microwave can consume on average 70 kWh per year. You see, it’s not nothing. You should therefore avoid plugging it into an extension cord.

6. The coffee maker

You might think that a small machine like a coffee maker consumes nothing. In reality, it is quite electricity-intensive with consumption estimated at 165 kWh/year. So plug this device into a wall outlet.

7. Le grille-pain

If you toast buns every morning, you consume between 500 and 1000 W per year! Yes, that’s a lot for such a small device. All this to tell you that you should avoid plugging it into a power strip.

8. Another extension

Do you have a lot of electrical appliances to plug in? So you use several extension cords connected to each other. Very, very bad idea! By doing this, the maximum authorized power of the power strip can very quickly be exceeded.

This type of bad practice is also the cause of many domestic fires!

9. The internet box, the computer and the TV

So the internet box, the computer and the television do not consume a lot of electricity. On the other hand, these devices are particularly sensitive to any electrical problem (overvoltage, etc.).

So, avoid plugging them into a power strip or equip yourself with a surge protector.

Conclusion There you have it; you now know which electrical devices you should not plug into a power strip.

The chances of fire are fortunately quite low, but prevention is better than cure! Because the risks of overheating are indeed

Always Put A Spoon Of Sugar In Your Backyard Before Leaving The House. Here’s Why

Some of us don’t care for bees because they think they only annoy us. However, in reality, these insects are gradually dying out of existence.

They are critical as these little insects are responsible for feeding 90 percent of the world’s population. Reportedly, we will have a major disaster on our hands on the off chance that we expel them from the ecosystem.

You don’t have to be a tree nut to respect the environment. There is some amazingly simple stuff we can do to help the planet.

A single person can’t do everything, but all of us together can help. And we all have a responsibility to do something to preserve the beautiful world we live in, for our future generations.

Zoologist and author Sir David Attenborough has battled for animals, the environment, and nature for as long as he can remember.

Attenborough, who is perhaps best known as a television presenter, has a vital message which everyone ought to hear.

Facebook / David Attenborough

He said on Facebook:

“If bees were to disappear from the face of the earth, humans would have just 4 years left to live”

David Attenborough is not the first person to give this grave warning to us, but his post is a real reminder that it is a real issue and we all should take it very seriously.

They may be little, but bees have a huge task — close to 33% of the sustenance we get was pollinated by bees.

David Attenborough writes:

“In the last 5 years, the bee population has dropped by 1/3”

The situation is not hopeless at all though, one thing we can all do, an idea growing like wildfire…

David Attenborough gives us a simple little tip that every one of us should try: Mix some sugar and water in a spoon and then leave it in your backyard. It really could help save your life!

David Attenborough writes:

“This time of year bees can often look like they are dying or dead, however, they’re far from it. Bees can become tired and they simply don’t have enough energy to return to the hive, which can often result in being swept away.”

“If you find a tired bee in your home, a simple solution of sugar and water will help revive an exhausted bee.“

“Simply mix two tablespoons of white, granulated sugar with one tablespoon of water and place on a spoon for the bee to reach. You can also help by sharing this post to raise awareness.”

Here’s yet another way that will help bees and mankind thrive: plant flowers on your balcony maybe even let wildflowers take over a corner of your backyard. Your local bees will really love it!

Facebook / David Attenborough

Bees can save our planet, together we could save the planet! Please SHARE this with your friends and family and let’s spread the word!

The Transformation of the Year! Discover How the Heaviest Woman on Earth Looks and Lives After Losing 790 Pounds!

Everyone laughed at her until she turned her life around and lost 790 pounds! Here’s the inspiring story of Mayra Rosales, who struggled with severe obesity. She was bedridden for days at a time! Discover how she looks today.

The public first heard about Mayra Rosales when news spread that she had accidentally harmed her nephew with her body.

A rescue operation was called in and arrived just in time to prevent further complications.This is how she explained the incident: “I was protecting my sister.

I was aware of the truth but chose not to expose her, thinking my time was short” The severe obesity and daily struggles had left Mayra feeling hopeless and desperate.

Finally, she gathered her strength and realized it was time to make a profound change in her life. An urgent surgery was scheduled, but she knew she needed to adhere to a strict diet afterward.

Even those who initially doubted her became interested and followed her journey online.

Remembering Sienna Stewart: A Brave Graduate’s Journey

Sienna Stewart, an inspiring 18-year-old graduate from Hiram High School, passed away just a few weeks after an unforgettable moment at her graduation ceremony on May 23rd.

Sienna had been battling severe cardiomyopathy and was recently diagnosed with heart failure. Despite her health challenges, she summoned every ounce of strength to walk across the stage to receive her diploma, a moment that her family will forever cherish.

On that momentous day, Sienna unexpectedly collapsed, losing consciousness. Thankfully, paramedics swiftly arrived to assist her. When she regained consciousness, she tearfully insisted on completing her walk across the stage.Sienna’s journey had been marked by resilience. At the age of 4, she received a life-saving heart transplant and had lived a relatively normal life for ten years. However, earlier this year, she began experiencing weakness and deterioration.Sienna’s mother, Saevon Chum, shared that her daughter would occasionally have episodes where she would collapse, and unfortunately, it happened on her graduation day. As Sienna fell, the high school principal could be heard requesting everyone’s patience.“When I got there, the ambulance was already there,” Sienna’s mom recounted in an interview with Fox5Atlanta. “She had collapsed. She had had another episode. But this was the first time she collapsed unconscious.”

Despite the scare, Sienna was determined to walk across the stage rather than go to the hospital. She pleaded with her mother, expressing her desire to graduate and fulfill her dreams. As the last student to receive her diploma that day, Sienna was met with a standing ovation from her peers and everyone in attendance.“All she could tell me is, ‘I just want to graduate, I want to walk.’ That’s all she wanted because she already missed her prom. Before then, she was in the hospital and missed her senior prom,” Saevon shared.Tragically, a few weeks after her moment of triumph at graduation, Sienna passed away. As her mother bravely expressed, “As a mom, you feel so proud because she just fought through something that hurts her. You have to be proud. Till the end, I was proud.”

Sienna had big plans for her future. Her obituary revealed that she had intended to attend college and pursue a career in sonogram technology in the fall.Let us remember Sienna Stewart’s indomitable spirit and the strength she displayed throughout her short yet impactful life. May she rest in peace.Please SHARE this article with your family and friends on Facebook.

Wife Calls A Husband.

H – “Hello?”

W – “Honey, it’s me. Are you at the club?”

H – “Yes.”

W – “Great! I am at the mall two blocks from where you are. I just saw a beautiful mink coat. It’s absolutely gorgeous!! Can I buy it?”

H – “What’s the price?”

W – “Only $1,500.00.”

H – “Well, OK, go ahead and get it, if you like it that much…”

W – “Ahhh, and I also stopped by the Mercedes dealership and saw the 2001 models. I saw one I really liked. I spoke with the salesman, and he gave me a really good price…and since we need to exchange the BMW that we bought last year…”

H-“What price did he quote you?”

W – “Only $60,000…”

H – “OK, but for that price, I want it with all the options.”

W – “Great! But before we hang up, something else…”

H – “What?”

W – “It might look like a lot, but I was reconciling your bank account and…I stopped by the real estate agent this morning and saw the house we had looked at last year. It’s on sale!!

Remember? The one with a pool, English Garden, an acre of park area, beachfront property.”

H – “How much are they asking?”

W – “Only $450,000 – a magnificent price…and I see that we have that much in the bank to cover…”

H – “Well, then go ahead and buy it, but just bid $420,000. OK?”

W – “OK, sweetie…Thanks! I’ll see you later!! I love you!!!”

H – “Bye…I love u too…”

The man hangs up, closes the phone’s flap, and raises his hand while holding the phone and asks to all those present:

“Does anyone know who this phone belongs to?”

Farmer found newborn “puppies” in a field: after a while it dawned on him that they are not puppies!

Being a farmer requires a daily dedication to your farm animals. It’s a hard but enjoyable work. Being surrounded by animals is surely thrilling, and farmers are well aware that their property is frequently visited by uninvited guests seeking nourishment along the route.

Shimoda is a farmer from China who found tranquility in the countryside, specifically on his farm. While conducting his everyday tasks, he heard weird noises coming from a thicket. He didn’t know what to anticipate, so he proceeded cautiously and approached the brush to see what it was all about.

When he reached the large bush, he scattered the grass and twigs with his hands and discovered something extraordinary. Tiny animals that resembled newborn puppies lay cuddled together. Shimoda has several hunting dogs on his farm, and he believes these are the puppies of one of them.

The man saw their mother was not in sight, but he certainly gave up on hiding from that place, hoping she would appear soon. A few hours later, their mom was still not with them, nor had she come. Then the man knew that he had to do something and carried the tiny puppies to safety.

A few weeks later, the puppies had grown and had a different physical appearance than a dog. Their muzzles were completely different from those of dogs.

When the young puppies recognized themselves, the farmer realized he had found rabbits rather than dogs on his land!

51-year-old Cameron Diaz and 45-year-old Benji Madden quietly welcome baby number 2 – people criticize decision

Benji Madden and Cameron Diaz have been married for over nine years at this point. They welcomed their daughter four years ago and have kept the little girl out of the public eye since then.

Now, it seems they have welcomed their second child together. Keep reading to learn more about the latest addition to their family.

51-year-old actress Cameron Diaz and her husband, 45-year-old musician Benji Madden, welcomed their second child together on Friday. The couple took to Instagram to jointly announce the birth of their son Cardinal.

The couple shared the news with the help of a photo of a piece of artwork that read, “A little bird whispered to me.” The announcement came as a surprise for most people because no one had known the couple was expecting a child.

In the caption, Madden wrote, “We are blessed and excited to announce the birth of our Son, Cardinal Madden.” He went on, “He is awesome and we are all so happy he is here!”

“For the kids safety and privacy we won’t be posting any pictures- but he’s a really cute,” the caption continued. “We are feeling so blessed and grateful. Sending much love from our fam to yours. Best wishes and Good Afternoon!!”

The couple usually keeps their lives incredibly private. They tied the knot in 2015 and welcomed their daughter Raddix in 2019. Before her birth, they kept quiet about her arrival, only revealing it on social media after her birth.

“We are so happy, blessed and grateful to begin this new decade by announcing the birth of our daughter, Raddix Madden,” Cameron Diaz wrote in the birth announcement for her daughter. “She has instantly captured our hearts and completed our family.”

“While we are overjoyed to share this news, we also feel a strong instinct to protect our little one’s privacy,” the caption went on. “So we won’t be posting pictures or sharing any more details, other than the fact that she is really really cute!! Some would even say RAD :)”

According to a source close to the couple, they went through a lot to have their daughter. ” They went through so much to get to this point.” The source added, “Cameron feels like this baby is truly a miracle.” The source shared that Raddix was born through surrogacy, a fact that the couple has never commented upon.

Once the news of the second baby came out, it seems some people were not too happy. One Instagram user commented, “Who the heck wants to become a parent at 51 yrs old?” while another wrote, “Omg. She is so old, I hope they have a surrogate.”

It seems not everyone agrees with their decision to have a child at this point in their lives. But of course, there are differences of opinion on everything!

We are sending our best wishes to this little family as they welcome a new member! Share this with other fans of Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden so they can congratulate them too!

Jennifer Aniston is adored by everyone

Despite the public perception of ease and perfection, Jennifer Aniston’s life is not always as easy as it appears. Behind her dazzling appearance and pleasant personality is a challenging personal experience, including numerous challenges she has faced while pursuing her career.

Despite this, Jennifer had remained an excellent example of beauty in aging, preserving much of her attractiveness when she began her career in the show business.

However, newly leaked photos show that even Jennifer Aniston’s natural beauty had some hidden flaws; these photos show her without makeup and with minor facial scars.

This serves as a reminder that, even if we admire someone from afar, there may be unanticipated difficulties in their lives that we are unaware of.

This is especially true for someone in the public eye, such as Jennifer; it can be difficult to retain any sense of privacy or intimacy when so many looks and cameras are set on you.

Jennifer’s success has come at a cost: her personal life sometimes takes a back seat to her professional aspirations. Nonetheless, Jennifer Aniston continues to inspire us all with her courage and elegance in the face of tragedy.

Jennifer was born in 1969 in Sherman Oaks, a Los Angeles area known for its perfectly maintained homes and picturesque communities. She had wanted to be an actor since she was a child, and when her family relocated to New York City, she enrolled at the exclusive Waldorf School.

Unfortunately, several of Jennifer’s high school professors were harsh with her and threatened to expel her on several occasions.

Jennifer worked as a waitress at a restaurant where she worked long hours for low wages, as a telemarketer with no success closing any sales due to her lack of knowledge and experience in such matters, and even as a bike messenger around town to make ends meet while struggling as an actor in New York.

Despite these difficulties and the lack of success with the six television episodes on which she performed throughout the years, Jennifer persisted in her dream of being an actor.

Jennifer Aniston earned her dream role as Rachel Green in the famous tv show “Friends” after years of hard work and commitment. Her portrayal of Rachel has subsequently been lauded as one of the most influential female characters ever to grace American television, leaving an indelible imprint on audiences worldwide.

Despite her reservations about the show’s popularity, it ended up bringing Jennifer enormous fame and garnering her a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Then, she became one of Hollywood’s highest-paid actresses, and her newfound celebrity skyrocketed even further when her romance with Brad Pitt became well publicized.

Jennifer and Brad began their relationship in 1998, which led to their marriage in 2000. Even though many of their friends and family members thought they would be together forever, the couple divorced in 2005.

Brad supposedly planned to divorce Jennifer because she was not ready to have children with him then; however, Jennifer rejected this claim and stated that she had always desired to have a family.

Divorce was an extremely tough experience for both of them, but they are still on good terms and show gratitude to one another. Even after their divorce, they have a solid friendship, respect, and appreciation for one another.

Jennifer has been outspoken recently about her dissatisfaction with how women are depicted in Hollywood and tabloids. She has made it a point to advocate for female empowerment and show off her natural beauty without makeup. Her Instagram images of herself appearing fresh-faced have earned her much admiration from her followers.

Jennifer is a frequent topic of discussion for many foreign magazines, as her profession and personal life have always attracted their curiosity. She has recently utilized her platform to promote body positivity and to question traditional gender roles.

Her reluctance to adapt to what society expects of women in terms of physical attractiveness is admirable and connects with many individuals.

Jennifer’s pro-womanhood stance has garnered attention outside Hollywood, making her an inspirational figure for both men and women worldwide. She demonstrates that beauty comes in various forms and should be embraced as such by refusing to bow to cultural expectations and instead embracing her true self.

When a photo of the gorgeous and talented Jennifer Aniston without makeup and displaying facial scars was posted, it surprised her followers and caused widespread concern.

Fortunately, the photograph was taken on the set of her film Cake. She expressed gratitude for not putting on makeup and simply needing to conceal facial scars with cosmetics.

Jennifer’s success in the film was undeniable, and her brilliance and personality shined through once more. After seeing this film, I am excited to see more of Jennifer in future projects because she is a distinctive and radiantly lovely actor with enormous skill.

I am fortunate to have witnessed her continued success in both film and television roles, as she has repeatedly demonstrated that she is more than capable of captivating us with her beautiful performances.


The Unforgettable Lady: Who Is the Remarkable Woman in the Photo?

Once upon a time, a talented American actress stole the hearts of millions with her incredible performances and captivating blue eyes. They were like the eyes of an icy princess, leaving everyone mesmerized.

This remarkable woman’s name is Foster. Her journey into acting began during her early years at boarding school, where she participated in theatre productions, honing her skills and overcoming stage fright.

Her first foray into cinema came swiftly, with a debut alongside Michael Douglas in the film “Adam at 6 am”, which sparked interest in professional circles due to her unique appearance and mesmerizing gaze.

Throughout her career, Foster received critical acclaim for her performances. She was even nominated for the Canadian film award “Genie” for her role in the drama “Ticket to Heaven”. Foster’s notable works include appearances in “Master of the Universe”, “Strangers Among Us”, “Another Story”, and “Blind Fury”.

Beyond the silver screen, Foster found success in television series such as “Cagney and Lacey”, “Xena – Warrior Queen”, “ER”, “Quantum Leap”, and “The Amazing Wanderings of Hercules”, among others.

Despite her popularity, Foster’s romantic life saw her married only once to colleague Stephen McHattie, though the union eventually dissolved. Nowadays, she resides alone on her vast ranch, dedicated to horse breeding.

As time went on, Foster’s appearances in films have decreased, but her natural aging process is evident, with deep wrinkles adorning her face. However, she remains unapologetic about her appearance, choosing to embrace the natural aging process without the intervention of plastic surgery.

With her distinct look and fierce demeanor, Foster continues to captivate audiences, proving that age cannot diminish her timeless appeal. Her performances and enduring charm serve as a testament to her remarkable talent and unwavering spirit.